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Welcome To Lehigh County Medical Society
With your help, we can provide a strong voice in support of the medical profession, improving healthcare for both doctors and patients. The Lehigh County Medical Society, founded in 1852, serves as an avenue to unite Lehigh County physicians into a single body to advocate for health policy that provides the highest standard of healthcare for the people of Lehigh County. Click here to learn more.
COVID-19 Vaccine Information
Coronavirus Resources for Patients
From the CDC Website; Need more info and other languages?
- Weis Markets
- Vaccines.gov
- Public Education Campaign
- PA DOH 1-877-724-3258
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Health and Medicine!
What We Do
Lehigh County Medical Society
The Lehigh County Medical Society, founded in 1852, serves as an avenue to unite Lehigh County physicians into a single body to advocate for health policy that provides the highest standard of healthcare for the people of Lehigh County. A membership-based, not-for-profit non-partisan organization, the LCMS welcomes all physicians, from all specialties, to join and benefit from the professional and social opportunities that the society offers. “We speak your language. We will help you with your problems.”
to counsel and censure them when necessary, to serve as a strong and united voice for our Lehigh County physicians, our patients and our community, to promote healthful living and well-being and to advance the highest standards of healthcare and service in our region through education, service and advocacy. The vision of the Lehigh County Medical Society is to be a relevant and influential leader in the Pennsylvania Medical Society, to unite our physicians and empower them to deliver compassionate, ethical and evidence-based healthcare of the highest quality and value to our community.

President Chaminie
Amarasinghe Wheeler, DO
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Latest Announcements
Check out some of our exciting highlights.
St Luke’s University Health Network Medical Resident to Receive Lehigh County Medical Society’s 2023 Humaneness in Medicine Award
The Lehigh County Medical Society (LCMS) is pleased to announce that Auguste Niyibizi, D.O., is the recipient of its 2023 Humaneness in Medicine Award, which is given annually to one or more …
Lehigh County Medical Society Announces that it is accepting nominations for the Humaneness in Medicine Award
Nomination Deadline, February 1, 2024. The objective of the award is to highlight and reinforce the significance of humanistic qualities among residents and/or fellows of all specialties in Lehigh County.
Lehigh Valley Health System Medical Resident Michael Braccia, D.O. to Receive Lehigh County Medical Society’s 2022 Humaneness in Medicine Award
Every year, the Lehigh County Medical Society (LCMS) presents its Humaneness in Medicine Award to one or more Lehigh County medical residents or fellows who have best displayed the ideals of outstanding compassion in the delivery of care…
Lehigh County Medical Society Announces that it is accepting nominations for the Humaneness in Medicine Award
Nomination Deadline, February 1, 2024. The objective of the award is to highlight and reinforce the significance of humanistic qualities among residents and/or fellows of all specialties in Lehigh County.